On Monday 18 Mar 2002 17H:55 pm, you wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:
> > I'm busy digesting the jstl spec now (found an error in it, it says you
> > can do <c:url=".... and it should be c:url value="... :-), however I'm
> > wondering if I can put an array of objects into a request and use <c:if
> > test=" to test one. Ie:
> >
> > Blob[] blobs = new Blob[100];
> > // fill blobs
> > request.setAttribute("blobs", blobs);
> >
> > now can I do:
> >
> > <c:if test="${request.blobs[2].whatever ?
> >
> > Cheers!
> Yes, this should work.

Horray. I thought so, ok well I get this:

The error message was: Unable to find a value for "0" in object of class 
"java.lang.String" using operator "[]"


<c:when test="${page.blobs[0].state == Blobs.ASTATE}">

I've tried it with blobs being an array and a List (Vector).

So could this be a bug?


John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM/Slb. http://www.teamenergy.com
Views expressed in this mail are my own.

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