No, the expression language refers to JavaBean properties, not static

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:

> On Monday 18 Mar 2002 18H:07 pm, you wrote:
> >   Current time in milliseconds:
> >   <c:out value="${page.dates[1].time}"/>
> >
> > This prints out output like:
> >
> >   Current time in milliseconds: 1016474790054
> >
> > Hope you can use this as a basis to determine what's wrong with your
> > page.  Best,
> Yeah, sorry, I was just being dumb. I'm only on day three of the crash course 
> in JSTL. I'm actually very impressed, the stuff I have got working is much 
> nicer without all the:
> <%
>       // blah blah
> %>
> Is this possible though?
> public class Moo {
>       public static final String X = "Hello";
>       public static final int Y = 10;
> }
> <c:param name="${Moo.X}" value="something"/>
> Evidence would suggest not, as this also doesn't work:
> <c:if test="${someInteger == Moo.Y">
> never seems to evalute to true when someInteger is 10, but replacing Moo.Y 
> with '10' works fine :-)
> John

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