On Tuesday 19 Mar 2002 14H:29 pm, you wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:
> > When I was reading the spec, I got the impression this was possible:
> > (section 6.1.5)
> >
> > <c-rt:out value="<%= SomeClass.COST %>"/>
> >
> > So I'm assuming that the c-rt tld will evaluate SomeClass.COST as "the
> > variable COST in the class SomeClass". But that doesn't seem to work
> > either :-)
> <%= SomeClass.COST %> is an rtexprvalue; it means the same thing it means
> in Java:  the public static variable "COST" in "SomeClass".  But this
> isn't an JSTL expression or even something that JSTL knows how to
> evaluate; this is just a traditional rtexprvalue.
> The two aren't intended to work the same.  If they were, we wouldn't have
> needed an expression language!  :-)

Ah ha, so that's how I can achieve what I want using JSTL? :-) Well, in a 
round-a-bout kind of way. :-) 

I only today realised what "-rt" actually means, ie you can use <%= 
moo.doSomething() %> and that will actually get evaluated. I think :-)

Ok, one more before I shut up.

I'm trying to write this in JSTL:

if (request.getParameter("moo").equals("cows"))

and so far I've got:

<c:if test="${request.parameter.moo == 'cows'}">

but it doesn't work ;-) I'm also assuming the test method uses the java 
.equals for == and not the Java ==, otherwise "moo" would never == "moo", two 
object references and all. 


John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM/Slb. http://www.teamenergy.com
Views expressed in this mail are my own.

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