On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:

> Bah. So how can this be done in JSTL? It's a real shame because that
> would be very nice. I'm trying to avoid writing Java ;-) Does this
> mean I have to use the -rt stuff and do:
> <c-rt:if test="${ <$=request.getParameter("moo").equals("cows") %> }"

No.  Like I said, you can use an expression starting with 'param':

  ${param.moo == 'cows'}

I don't mind answering all your questions, but you might want to take an
hour and read through the entire JSTL draft spec!  I think it'll answer a
lot of your questions.   :-)

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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