On Tuesday 19 Mar 2002 14H:47 pm, you wrote:
> I don't mind answering all your questions, but you might want to take an
> hour and read through the entire JSTL draft spec!  I think it'll answer a
> lot of your questions.   :-)

For example :-)

Section 6. Iterators.

The first example given:

<c:forEach var="customer" items="${customers}">

What the spec fails to tell me is where customers came from. Is it a request 
attribute? A session attribute? Does it mean I can do this:

        Vector customers = someObject.getAVector();

But I suspect it doesn't, as I've had to resort to adding 
request.setAttribute("customers", customers) after this, and turning 
${customers} into ${request.customers} 

And I bet that's a sick solution.


John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM/Slb. http://www.teamenergy.com
Views expressed in this mail are my own.

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