Sorry, the last response was an error. -M.

Mark Diggory wrote:

> Shawn Bayern wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Dave Newton wrote:
>>> On Monday 18 March 2002 02:43 pm, you wrote:
>>>>> <c:if test="${securityBean.check(request, response) }">
>>>> The JSTL expression language does not support method invocations on
>>>> objects.  You'll currently need to use a custom tag library or 
>>>> scriptlet
>>>> code (with the former being recommended over the latter) if you want to
>>>> access arbitrary methods and pass arguments to them.
>>> So, from a non-current tag/etc. user does this mean that I'd either
>>> want a custom tag for All Things Like That (i.e., <c:ifsecurecheck
>>> ...>) or, perhaps more OOish, <c:ifcheck param=MyBean> and use
>>> reflection to call a common method for everything I'd ever want to
>>> .check?
>> Tags are a great mechanism for providing abstraction.  If you want a
>> facility to call arbitrary methods from within a JSP page, Java 
>> scriptlets
>> (<% %>) provide this already.  Scriplets' problems don't just stem from
>> their syntax; they tend to make pages harder to maintain because they
>> don't create any meaningful abstraction.
>> Tags do.  When you design tags, I simply recommend you choose the most
>> convenient abstraction for your users.
>> There's a theory in linguistic pragmatics (for actual human languages, 
>> not
>> CS languages) that suggests language is a tradeoff between laziness and
>> effectiveness; as a speaker, you want to be lazy, but as a listener, you
>> want the speaker to provide as much information as is necessary.  Since
>> everyone is both a speaker and a listener, languages end up being
>> balanced:  not too verbose or too clipped, on average.
>> Anyway, page authors and tag-library developers are in a similar
>> relationship.  For every environment, there's a particular level of
>> "verbosity" that's appropriate; one isn't necessarily better than 
>> others.  JSTL works well with either approach; it encourages good 
>> design when
>> unambiguous, but otherwise tries to avoid preaching about how you must
>> design your applications.
>> -- 
>> Shawn Bayern
>> Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"
>> (coming this summer from Manning Publications)
>> -- 
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