It seems to me that whether or not whitespace is "unwanted" depends on the
content type being generated, and on the context within that content type.
If you're generating text/plain, you might care about all of the whitespace
being generated. If you're generating text/html, you might not care about
whitespace most of the time, but you probably will care if you're trying to
generate content inside <pre> blocks.

That's not to say that nothing can be done, but it throws some extra quirks
into any potential solution. ;-}

Martin Cooper

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 6:29 PM
> To: Tag Libraries Users List
> Subject: stripping extra line feeds in choose tag
> hey shawn,
> I was looking into different ways of stripping extra
> "\r\n" from the final output.  I thought of a way,
> which is definitely non-compliant, but as an exercise
> I thought I'd post it.  I don't actually plan on
> implementing it, but it might generate discussion
> about how JSTL 2.0 spec might handle this.
> From my understanding, <c:choose> & <x:choose> both do
> not push out.write() to bodyContent. <c:set> on the
> other does set out = bodycontent when needed. Example
> from Jasper2 generated source below:
> javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent _bc =
> pageContext.pushBody();
>           _bc.clear();
>           out = _bc;
> Therefore if one were to modify <c:when> and <x:when>
> to strip out extra line feeds, the output would have
> to pushBody in order to call .trim() within the tag.
> There are several issues I can see with this method of
> handling unwanted whitespace & control line feed.
> 1. doesn't solve the real problem
> 2. it really should be addressed in JSP specification,
> not JSTL specification
> 3. it's better to not have dozens of extra
> out.write("\r\n"); litering the compiled jsp class.
> 4. There should be a way to easily plug in filters for
> JSP page compilation. In the same way the latest
> servlet spec defines request filters, page compilation
> should have filters.
> 5. leaving the extra out.write() makes pages with lots
> of tag (100+) less scalable as seen with jasper1 on
> tomcat 4.0.3 and 3.3.x. 
> 6. even though jasper2 now breaks tags without
> scriplet code into it's own method, pages that use
> both tag and scriplets will run into the 64K per
> method limitation in java.
> Even though some servlet containers uses jasper, and
> likely jasper2 once it is released, leaving in
> unwanted whitespace and control line feed make tag
> pages less portable across different servlet
> containers. There's no gaurantee a server will compile
> pages the way jasper2 does it.  Of course there is
> always the option of writing a deployment tool that
> parses the JSP to a temp directory stripping out
> unwanted stuff and compile it to the server's working
> directory.
> peter
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