On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Carlos Barroso wrote:

> So it's better to use the Standard taglib to process a XML file
> against a XSL file... instead of using the xtags library!?

"Better" is subjective.  It's certainly more standard, more widely
supported, and probably ultimately more familiar to people who may need to
maintain the page.

JSTL's XML library comes with a tag called <x:transform> that lets you
conduct XSLT transformations on source XML documents.  

JSTL's support for XSLT is compelling in many ways.  It is actually
somewhat sophisticated behind the scenes, because it lets you refer to
stylesheets or source documents using paths relative to the root of the
web applications.  This means your documents can contain relative entity
references and that your stylesheets can use <xsl:include> and similar
tags against webapp-relative paths.  (I describe these details more in my

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming in July 2002 from Manning Publications)

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