
How to apply multiple regexp to the same text?

Here is my code:

<rx:regexp id="netscape4XmlRx">s/\/>/ \/>/gmi</rx:regexp>
<rx:regexp id="removeXmlRx">s/<\?.*\?>//gmi</rx:regexp>

<rx:text id="theText">
   Some text here

<rx:substitute regexp="netscape4XmlRx" text="theText"/>
<rx:substitute regexp="removeXmlRx" text="theText"/>

The above obviously displays theText twice.

I tried <rx:substitute regexp="netscape4XmlRx,removeXmlRx" text="theText"/>
and it doesn't work.

I couldn't find documentation on jakarta.../regexp website, I also checked
jakarta.../oro. Please direct me if I missed the documentation.

Thank you,
Cliffano Subagio.

Cliffano Subagio

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