I meant jsp coding as a jsp is a servlet ..
when i looked at the code i think it is a bit complex for retreiving the result.
I think you should use EL it could simplify greatly coding (you can pass directly 
through argument the request parameter ..) and this could also be useful for 
retreiving result as i think it is not necessary to use another resultelement tag to 
get results.

If you have a result object you could have something like
<c:out value="{result.url}"> and <c:out value="{result.title}"> which will go 
introspect the class to get elements. 
but may be you are aware about that and want your code to be usable in JSP 1.1 which 
is great.


Tim Kettering wrote:
> The attribute values are set up to accept rtexprvalues, so you can use any
> sort of variable that works at runtime.
> I'm not sure what you mean by needing a servlet to get it to work.  The
> example that comes with the tag doesnšt require a servlet.
> -tim
>>i thought the tag looked something like
>>i thought i don't need servlet to make it work, is there a way to make it
>>without request.getParameters ... (i looked at index.jsp and result.jsp) .
>>Tim Kettering wrote:
>>>Taglib Users,
>>>I'm about to submit a new proposal for the Apache Taglibs sandbox and first
>>>I'd appreciate any feedback that you taglibs users/developers would to
>>>improve the tag library.
>>>What I've done is written a custom tag library that's basically a wrapper
>>>around the Google API library that was released a while ago.  I've exposed
>>>the main functionality through tags, so it becomes rather easy to
>>>incorporate a Google search functionality on your website without the need
>>>for custom java code.
>>>So, anyway, all that fanfare aside, you can find the information, and source
>>>to download at:
>>>Please do share feedback or comments with me.  Thanks.

Thomas Colin de Verdičre

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