I actually thought about this, but theres a few things I wasn't sure about
(I'm still new to coding custom tags).

1) If I wanted to use EL, I would have to require the use of the taglibs
standard library with the google tag - and I wasnšt sure if I wanted to
increase the requirements to run this library.

2) I would have liked to eliminate the need for the resultelement tag, and
instead call the values directly, but the problem is that the
GoogleSearchResultElement isn't a JavaBean, as far as I can tell, so that
means I wouldnšt be able to use EL to call the values directly?  Or am I

I could write a wrapper for the GoogleSearchResultElement that would put a
layer of Bean functionality on top, to allow for introspection... Thoughts?

I realize that its somewhat complex, and thatšs why I was soliciting
feedback on it from this list.


> I meant jsp coding as a jsp is a servlet ..
> when i looked at the code i think it is a bit complex for retreiving the
> result.
> I think you should use EL it could simplify greatly coding (you can pass
> directly through argument the request parameter ..) and this could also be
> useful for retreiving result as i think it is not necessary to use another
> resultelement tag to get results.
> If you have a result object you could have something like
> <c:out value="{result.url}"> and <c:out value="{result.title}"> which will go
> introspect the class to get elements.
> but may be you are aware about that and want your code to be usable in JSP 1.1
> which is great.
> Thomas
> Tim Kettering wrote:
>> The attribute values are set up to accept rtexprvalues, so you can use any
>> sort of variable that works at runtime.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by needing a servlet to get it to work.  The
>> example that comes with the tag doesnšt require a servlet.
>> -tim
>>> great,
>>> i thought the tag looked something like
>>> <google>
>>> query,
>>> options,
>>> ...
>>> </google>
>>> i thought i don't need servlet to make it work, is there a way to make it
>>> without request.getParameters ... (i looked at index.jsp and result.jsp) .
>>> Tim Kettering wrote:
>>>> Taglib Users,
>>>> I'm about to submit a new proposal for the Apache Taglibs sandbox and first
>>>> I'd appreciate any feedback that you taglibs users/developers would to
>>>> improve the tag library.
>>>> What I've done is written a custom tag library that's basically a wrapper
>>>> around the Google API library that was released a while ago.  I've exposed
>>>> the main functionality through tags, so it becomes rather easy to
>>>> incorporate a Google search functionality on your website without the need
>>>> for custom java code.
>>>> So, anyway, all that fanfare aside, you can find the information, and
>>>> source
>>>> to download at:
>>>> http://homepage.mac.com/timster/dev/googletag.html
>>>> Please do share feedback or comments with me.  Thanks.

Tim Kettering

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