Hen, and all others:

I took a look at the strings library and I have a few suggestions on
consolidating the tags.

Captialization related tags:

Captialize, uncapitalize, upperCase, lowerCase, swapCase, capitalizeAllWords

- those could be consolidated in a single tag, such as


Phonetic tags:

Soundex and Metaphone -

I envision some sort of more general utility that they could fall under,
some sort of translation tag, like

<str:translate method="soundex|metaphone">

And then it could be expanded on to include other translations, such as
jive, h4x0r w4r3z speak, the Swedish chef, etc.  I've seen websites that do
those translations, and I'm sure there'd be open source implementations of
those that we can incorporate?  And later on, if suitable web-service APIs
came out, it could hook directly into various language translation sites,
such as Babelfish, kind of like what I did with the Google tags.

Padding tags:

Hen already covered that earlier.  I'd also suggest adding "both" as an
option if someone wanted to pad both ends of the string.

Strip tags, something like -

<str:strip location="start|end|both" char="x">

Left, right, mid tags:

<str:get length="3" location="start|end|both">

That also brings me to another point, we should pick a standard way to
reference to the "start" and "end" of a string.  In some tags, its referred
as "right" and "left", on some other tag, its "start" and "end", and make it
consistent through all the tags.

Those are my two cents.  I'd love to hear your opinions.



> Sorry for the long delay in replying to your suggestions Thomas. The lack
> of closeness to the JSTL is the thing I want to deal with after a 1.0
> release :) Linking to the JSTL means moving from a minimum of JSP1.1 to
> JSP1.2 and I'd like to release a version before losing the support for the
> older platform.
> As for too many tags, I see what you mean :)
> I assume your suggestion is such that I would change:
> <rightPad>
> <leftPad>
> to <pad align="right">  or some such.
> I'll look into what tags can be nicely merged like that.
> Hen
> On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, [ISO-8859-1] Thomas Colin de Verdière wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the frustrating thing is this is not yet close to the jstl. ;)
>> I'm thinking about expression language which could simplify coding in tags ..
>> I'm not well informed about the String taglib. What is a bit complicated is
>> that there
>> is too many tags, it could be usefull to simplify the taglib.
>> That's all,
>> Thomas
>> Henri Yandell wrote:
>>> Now that there is a released jar from the Commons Lang component, I can
>>> start to think about releasing a 1.0 of the String taglib.
>>> Before I do such a thing, I'd like to ask if any users would like to make
>>> any input on bugs [I'm not aware of any], features or desired
>>> documentation. Is there anything about the String taglib that you as a
>>> user find frustrating?
>>> Once 1.0 is out, I plan to look into a version of the String taglib that
>>> works more closely with the JSTL, and will add tags for spliting/joining
>>> on comma separated lists of Strings and boolean logic such as 'is this
>>> String numeric?'.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hen
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