
I am a relatively new user to tag libraries.  I am not able to use JSTL since we are 
using WebSphere 3.5.5 so it does not support JSP 1.2 and Servlets 2.3.  I have been 
testing the use of the i18n tag library.  I have ran the example format.jsp, which 
worked fine.  Then I added some additional lines to test different attributes for the 
different formatXXX tags.  The only attribute for ALL of these tags I can not get to 
work is the 'id' attribute.  I have the same problem if I use Tomcat 3.3.1 or WAS 

An example of what I have been trying to use in the format_include.jsf file:
<h3>The datetime is now:-<</h3>   
     <i18n:formatDateTime/> (default) 
     <i18n:formatDateTime dateStyle="short" timeStyle="short"/> (short, short) 
     <i18n:formatDateTime dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full"/> (full, full) 
     <i18n:formatDateTime locale="<%=Locale.FRANCE%>" value="<%=myDate%>" 
id="datetimeID" dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full"/> (locale and value is set) 
This is datetimeID = <%=datetimeID%><BR> 
 This is datetimeID get = <jsp:getProperty name="datetimeID" property="id"/> <BR> 

If I comment out the last line, my result page displays:

The datetime is now:- 
 28/08/02 16:04 (default)  
 28/08/02 16:04 (short, short)  
 28 August 2002 16:04:52 o'clock GMT-04:00 (full, full)  
 mercredi 16 janvier 1963 00 h 00 GMT-05:00 (locale and value is set)  
 This is datetimeID = null

If I don't comment out the last line, then I get an error message stating:
 Error: 500 
 Location: format.jsp 
 Internal Servlet Error: 
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Attempted a bean operation on a null 

So, I don't think my id attribute is even getting set.  I've poured over this: 
http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/i18n-doc/index.html#formatDateTime and I just 
don't know if maybe I'm not using the tag/attribute correctly.  

If anyone has any helpful ideas of what to use or a working example, I would greatly 
appreciate it!

Thanks in advance,


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