i c.
well i tried do it in the old <%= request.getParameter way and i found
something wierd.

    <% String xmlurl = "http://xmlutil/"; +
request.getParameter("media_type_selector") +
"&entity=distributor-programs&parameter=MEDIA_DIST_ID|" +
request.getParameter("network_selector"); %>

    <xtags:parse url='<%= xmlurl %>'/>

    <div id="program_list" name="program_list">
    <xtags:forEach select="//z:row">
        <option value="<xtags:valueOf select='@PROGRAMID'/>"><xtags:valueOf

Works but putting that xmlurl string directly into the url for xtags:parse
doesnt. It seems like it cant evaluate it if it has a String with the
request.getParamters. How does that work?

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Bayern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 12:40 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: XTags and EL

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Chen, Gin wrote:

> Can you get EL to work in XTags? I dont see anything in the document
> that says it cant so I'm assuming that it can since it is in the JSTL
> that supports EL.
>       I'm trying to do this:
>     <xtags:parse
> utor-programs&parameter=MEDIA_DIST_ID|$(request.network_selector)'/>
> But it doesnt seem to work. Is my syntax wrong? Or is this just not
> supported?

No, under JSP 1.1, you can only use the EL in tags that go out of their
way to support it (particularly, JSTL tags).  Note that JSTL has an
XML-manipulation library inspired mostly by XTags, so you might feel right
at home migrating to it.

Under JSP 2.0, EL expressions will work wherever rtexprvalues currently
work, so you'll be able to retrofit the EL to old tags automatically.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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