I am trying to write a custom taglib that extends the TagSupport class. 

At one point my implementation worked, but when upgrading to Tomcat
4.0.4, I keep getting a NullPointerException because the protected
variable pageContext is null.

Any clues? Is tomcat's servlet implementation no longer setting the
PageContext? What gives? Or how do I get a handle to the request and/or
response context so that I can get and put attributes and write output
to the browser?

Here is my code BTW:


<otg:getCity id="city"

<p>City Name: <jsp:getProperty name="city" property="name"/></p>

public class GetCityTag extends TagSupport {
    /* blah blah blah */
    public int doEndTag() 
        throws JspException 
        City city = (City)getCity(getCityId());
        /* this next line is where the NullPointerException occurs */
        pageContext.setAttribute(getId(), city);
        /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */
        try {
            pageContext.getOut().write("City id is " + cityId + "!");
            pageContext.getOut().write("Storing fetched city
                              "' as " + id + "!");
        } catch(IOException e) {
            throw new JspTagException("An IOException occurred.");
        return EVAL_PAGE;

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