Hi Stefan,

You close tag (c:if) doesn't match the opening tag of (c_rt:if).

Change your close tags to match the opening tags.

<c_rt:if test='<%= rtexpr %>'>


On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 12:04, Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem using rtexprvalue taglibs and some scripting expressions where some 
>work fine like this one:
> <fmt_rt:formatDate value="<%= rs.getDate("lastVisitDate") %>"/>
> and others like :
>     <c_rt:if test='<%=rs.getString("sex")%>'>
>      Man
>     </c:if>
>     <c_rt:if test='<%=rs.getString("sex")%>'> 
>             Female
>     </c:if>
> gives me errors such as:
> ' expected at end of file. For XML, the top-level tag must have a matching closing 
> I am importing the following two libraries into the pages:
> <%@ taglib prefix='fmt_rt' uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt_rt' %>
> <%@ taglib prefix='c_rt' uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt' %>
> In the above examples the JSTL tags are being used inside a while loop that is 
>iterating over a rowset provided by a bean method that has made the database query.
> Thanks,
> Stef
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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