I have read various email trails and looked at the JSP
1.2 spec and am still unclear on something regarding
custom tags:

I recently upgraded to tomcat 4.1.18 which uses the
JSP 1.2 spec and in the case

  <custom:TagB />

where TagA re-evaluates the body several times, it
seems that TagB only gets instantiated once and
re-used.  This doesn't seem right to me (even after
reading the specs) especially since it worked with
previous versions os tomcat using JSP 1.1.  I would
think that after the TagB.doEndTag() function the
container would release() it and thus neccessitate the
creation of a new TagB object on the next iteration.

This is important to me because I have underlying data
structures which are not behaving correctly because of

Is this a bug?  Are there ways to "force" it to always
instantiate a new TagB?  Are there alternate
containers we can use?


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