On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 12:13, Karr, David wrote:
> So for every constant value that you want to use, in every JSP page,
> you're going to have a call to the "bind" tag from the unstandard
> library?  This is as opposed to a single block of code in a servlet to
> load the constants into a bean at application startup.

Funny, I just got back from lunch and realized I'm going to do exactly
that (use application scoped bean of the properties). Looking at the
bind tag, I don't like the idea of having to bind "each field." I
thought there would be a way with the tag to bind the whole class which
would make the properties available. Possibly a tag that would
basically do the reflection necessary to build a necessary Map of the
properties in a class might be worthwhile, but I really wouldn't like
that much overhead in a tag. You're right the option of an application
scoped bean of the constants seems like the best approach. 


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