On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Eric W Hauser wrote:

> If you want to use constant fields, check out the archives for this
> list...There have been some good posts in the last couple of weeks on how
> to accomplish this...JSTL does not provide a mechanism for retrieving
> constant values from classes...Of course, there is a tag for it in the
> unstandard library...But something about an unstandard library as part of
> a standard library just gives me a headache...So, I would stay away from
> that and use solutions based on the J2EE spec...

The reason why I make sure people are aware of the unstandard-library
approach is that they may not have Actions or Servlets. The Java community
has a very bad habit of assuming that every situation requires Java
coding. This is pretty bad for a web-designer who doesn't understand Java
but is quite happy with tags.

Unstandard taglib exists primarily for people who do not have a Servlet or
use one of the Model-2 MVC setups. Something I do plan to add is a more
powerful un:bindAll tag which will bind all constants in a class/interface
into the session.

I seem to recall that Java web containers also have the ability to run a
class on startup (?) so another approach might be to have something nice
tucked in there.


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