On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Rick Ross wrote:

> I have a class called RTime. It has the following get methods (and no SET
> methods):
>     public String getCrazy()
>     public String getUSTime()
>     public String getISOTime()

With these methods (and the rest of what you describe), you have the
following JavaBeans properties:


Your capitalization of multiple leading letters in the last two accessor
methods causes the JavaBeans introspector to preserve the capitalization
you use; the default pattern, however, is for getXxx() to refer to a
property named 'xxx', not 'Xxx'.  (For more information, see the JavaBeans

> I've renamed the method a dozen times.  Added a matching setter method,
> renamed the class, added and removed other get methods ... nothing
> changes the fact that it, and new methods, will not work..

Changing the method, and adding other classes, won't help.  Just refer to
the property as ${foo.crazy}.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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