from | Chapter 12 | EL | Variables


The JSP expression language unifies the treatment of the . and [] operators. expr-a.expr-b is equivalent to a["expr-b"]; that is, the expression expr-b is used to construct a literal whose value is the identifier, and then the [] operator is used with that value.

To evaluate expr-a[expr-b], evaluate expr-a into value-a and evaluate expr-b into value-b. If either value-a or value-b is null, return null.

* If value-a is a Map, return value-a.get(value-b). If !value-a.containsKey(value-b), then return null.
* If value-a is a List or array, coerce value-b to int and return value-a.get(value-b) or Array.get(value-a, value-b), as appropriate. If the coercion couldn't be performed, an error is returned. If the get call returns an IndexOutOfBoundsException, null is returned. If the get call returns another exception, an error is returned.
* If value-a is a JavaBeans object, coerce value-b to String. If value-b is a readable property of value-a, then return the result of a get call. If the get method throws an exception, an error is returned.


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