My answers are below.

On 22 Mar 2006, at 10:31, ilanchezhian ganesamurthy wrote:

Thanks for your reply... My answer & questions below

Murray Steele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Hi,

I ran up against this problem in my application. After some digging I
boiled it down to the fact that the servlet spec / tomcat versions I
was using didn't allow me to provide a Locale to character encoding
mapping, and when the fmt tags do pretty much anything,

<Ilan> Sorry I realy dint understand what you mean by proving locale to character encoding.

  they end up
setting the Locale, which in turn sets the character encoding. I think
I read somewhere that some version of the servlet spec allows you to
specify Locale to character encoding mappings in the web.xml file, but

<Ilan> My understanding is character encoding and Local are independent. In my case Locale is already set to Japanese ( which is set from user browser request) and in jsp page i forcefully set response character encoding to UTF-8, but still why <fmt:bundle> tag should change this to 'Shift_JIS'.

You are right that they *should* be independent, but at least in Tomcat they aren't. When the <fmt> tags do anything they set the Locale of your response and when you set the Locale of a response object in Tomcat one of the things that happens is that the Character Encoding is also set according to what Character Encoding Tomcat thinks is appropriate for that Locale. In Tomcat there is a one-to-one mapping between Locale's and Character Encodings (it's defined in some resource file in the tomcat jar files I think). The only way to prevent this from happening is to already have committed the response which starts writing the headers to the browser (and from which point you can't change them). As you say below you've already worked this out by calling flush().

for what I'm using (2.3 on tomcat 4.1) what I had to do was create a
custom CharSetMapper and specify it on the tag in my

My charset mapper ignores whatever locale you ask for a mapping for and
returns UTF-8 as the charset every the time. It seemed extreme, but
it's what I wanted. I compiled this and put it in

package com.peoplesarchive.tomcat;

import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.catalina.util.CharsetMapper;

public class UTF8CharsetMapper extends CharsetMapper {
public UTF8CharsetMapper() {

public UTF8CharsetMapper(String name) {

public String getCharset(Locale locale) {
return "utf-8";

server.xml fragment
path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0" reloadable="true" />

hope this helps
<Ilan> If I use japanese I should be either use 'Shift_JIS' or 'UTF-8' or any other japanese character encoding. Incase of French I should be either able to use 'ISO-8859-1' or UTF-8' I should not able to lock particular local to particular character encoding. My understanding is now this class locks particular charactter encoding to particular locale. This is my understanding applogize me if i am not correct.

You're right, you should be able to choose to use whichever chaacter Encoding you want for your Locale, but in Tomcat (4.1 at least) you can't. You have to map each Locale to a specific Character Encoding. The class that I extended actually does what you say e.g. lock a particular character encoding to a particular locale, my class is worse in that respect, it maps *all* Locales to one Character Encoding; UTF-8. (In my defense,utf-8 is all that I cared about and it was the easiest fix).

More over i find one work to avoid <fmt:bundle> changing character encoding to 'Shift_JIS'. After setting response character encoding thru <%Page > call 'response.getWriter().flush();', this ensures response character encoding is always set to UTF-8.

As I said above, this will work properly, but you'd have to be pretty sure that you don't want to set any other headers (cookies, content-encoding, cache) before you call flush. I think I'm correct in saying that once you call flush you can't add or change any other headers (that's why altho the <fmt> tags are still setting the Locale of your response, and Tomcat is still trying to then set the Character Encoding from the Local it's being ignored as the headers have been committed.

Hope this clears things up a little.



On 22 Mar 2006, at 09:43, ilanchezhian ganesamurthy wrote:


I have problem while displaying of japanese UTF-8 character.
I set response header character encoding to UTF-8 by > contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>then I
read the UTF-8 japanese character by following statement

Even though i set response character encoding to UTF-8 but when
compiler start executing it automatically chages response
character encoding to 'Shift_JIS' from 'UTF-8' I can notice this by
printing response character encoding before and after .
Due to this form is not displayed properly. I dont have issue with
locale, I have only issue with response character encoding.

Resource bundle contains UTF-8 character
I have followig jsp

pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

"+response.getCharacterEncoding() );%>

"+response.getCharacterEncoding() );%>

You can see result o/p to

CharacterEncoding before calling fmt = UTF-8
CharacterEncoding after calling fmt = Shift_JIS


Jiyo cricket on Yahoo! India cricket
Yahoo! Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time.
Murray Steele
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Peoples Archive
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 Jiyo cricket on Yahoo! India cricket
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