> There should be a command-line version of the status page, but there
> seems not to be.
> I use "wget && more index.html" :-)
> Seriously, am I the only one who runs nodes on computers I am not
> sitting at?

I also run tahoe at a computer I am not sitting at. There is a storage
server on my home network responsible for running tahoe, and it listens on
an address in my private IP range. I call up the web UI from my desktop.

When I'm away from home and want to check my node status, an ssh tunnel
with port forwarding does the job.

A CLI status checking command would be cool. However, a better solution
would be to make tahoe so reliable and self-correcting that users don't
ever need to check the status. (I.e. 5-second wizard-based configuration,
automatic firewall/NAT penetration, retry everything until it succeeds or
the world comes to an end, check and repair data automatically, etc...).

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