Hi all

I agree one should be cautious with closing notes with a changeset that only relies on aerial imagery, in particular when the note specifically mentions that a survey is necessary (e.g. "ground-truthing required").

Recently, a keen fellow local mapper started resolving notes one by one in my local area by actually traveling to the location (by bike I believe). That resulted in high-quality, up-to-date data, and wouldn't have happened without those open notes.

Nevertheless, I want to say that I really appreciate the time that was invested in the recent note-closing work. It's great to see so many small improvements happening all around the map, and the activity on the notes themselves might bring new contributors in, or even just motivate them to open new notes.


On 2/3/22 12:42, Andrew Harvey wrote:
For example,

https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2381617, tracks in the bush often aren't visible from imagery, so it needs a ground survey to add them.

https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2684418 a street library won't be visible on aerial imagery, you either need to confirm on the ground or use street level imagery. If it's unable to be verified remotely best to leave it open for someone on the ground to verify it.

Though I realise it's not always easy and at some point it makes sense to close the note as unactionable.

StreetComplete asks about open notes.

On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 at 12:01, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks, Andrew, & not disagreeing!

    But when there's a Note still there from ~4 years ago that says
    "Path", & when we look, there's a path already mapped 20m away
    from that note tag, do we assume that that is the path in question
    so close the note as resolved, or hope that somebody will get
    there sometime to check it out, although nobody has apparently yet
    looked at it in the last 4 years?

    & it gets worse in remote areas. Which mapper is going to trek 10k
    in from the nearest road (or for some of them out West, 100+k!) to
    confirm that there is a track (that doesn't appear on any imagery
    or Govt sources) running from here to there?

    At least partially, some of the problem is that Notes are
    invisible unless deliberately activated. Any of us could have 100
    of them within 5k of our home, which could be easily checked, but
    not know about them, so never check & resolve them.

    & then, over these last several days, I'm seeing a few notes being
    reactivated (often by people with user names but 0 edits) but with
    no comment as to why they've reactivated them? I wonder if some
    people think that they have to have a note on the map to show that
    "this is here"?



    On Tue, 1 Mar 2022 at 19:08, Andrew Harvey
    <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:

        While there has been a lot of good work going on with these
        notes, I would like to point out that many are there because
        they need a ground survey to check. So the goal should not be
        to get open notes to zero only from airchair mapping. If it's
        not something that's actionable without a survey then best
        leave it open as many apps ask users on the ground to
        comment on open notes and some mappers look at them for their
        local area.

        There was some concern raised about this on the Oceania
        discord channel and I've noticed myself, so wanted to raise it

        On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 at 15:46, Graeme Fitzpatrick
        <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

            On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 at 10:34, Graeme Fitzpatrick
            <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

                As I write this, there are now 3543

            Sorry if I'm boring any of you? :-), but thought I'd
            update this to mention that after another 11 days, we are
            now at 2460!

            & please check out the graph :-) - I'm waiting eagerly for
            the cross-over that has to be due any day now! :-)


                The oldest Notes have also jumped from 2013 to ~30
                still outstanding from 2017,

            Now at two tricky ones from 2018, + 24 others prior to
            2019, all with questions asked on them.



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