Volker (hello!) discusses that the tag (used in the USA, but not extensively) 
of "reporting_marks" isn't (I paraphrase him a bit) "as international as OSM 
might like it," and proposes presumed-better tag "operator_identifier" (I 
correct a minor spelling error in his posted suggestion).  Volker also mentions 
that this tag seems to be meant for rolling stock, asking on what sorts of OSM 
data the tag will be applied.

Meanwhile, Chuck (hello!) answers that reporting_marks will be applied to ways 
(perhaps not as originally intended to identify the owner / operator of rolling 
stock) but that this use of reporting_marks (or operator_identifier, it isn't 
yet decided) is semantically an excellent OSM syntactic synonym for 
"short_name_of_operator."  (I agree).

I'm of mixed opinion on this.  On the one hand, I agree with Volker that 
"regional tagging" (as in all of North America, as "reporting_marks" are used 
in all three countries) should be discouraged in OSM in favor of more worldwide 
standards / tagging, especially as they already exist (though, 
"operator_identifier" comes up empty in taginfo).  However, as this tag doesn't 
yet exist (in Europe or elsewhere), that diminishes its value, except going 
forward (and there's nothing wrong with that).  And, the tag "reporting_marks" 
(also, "reporting_mark" is used more often, though primarily by one mapper, 
Chuck and I have discussed these two tags should be conflated into 
"reporting_marks" as a single tag) already DOES exist, and it IS an existing 
"regional standard."  So, I'm sitting on the fence, seeing both potential 
solutions have merit.

What I think might work is for North American rail mapping to continue to 
"standardize" on using "reporting_marks" as a tag with a value that effectively 
stands in for "short_name_of_operator" (and we should wiki-document this) and 
others should chime in (please) with what I agree with Chuck is a good use of 
this simple (and widespread:  in all of Canada, USA and Mexico, which 
interchange a lot of rail with each other) "rail standard," 
regional-to-North-America though it is.  If Germany or European and / or Asian 
/ African / South American countries want to something like this, they might 
get started now, using (as I propose North America does) using their own flavor 
of "reporting_marks" (as originally intended to identify rolling stock) as a 
novel and useful method to identify carriers (owners / operators) on OSM ways 
as a synonym for short_name_of_operator.  Then, at some point in the future 
when there can be some global OSM harmonization of these, a proposal to roll 
them all into "operator_identifier" (which suits me just fine) can take place 
as a good idea that will standardize this sort of tagging worldwide.

But in the meantime, I think it a good idea for these to develop locally / 
regionally, with the terminology to both mappers and those familiar with 
railroad terminology (as it is used locally / regionally) being used.  That 
will "root" and better establish these tags, I believe this is (almost?) 
necessary (first).  The globalization / standardization can happen later.  This 
seems a workable approach, though I'd like to hear from others who might posit 
that a "no, let's globalize such tagging immediately" approach is better.

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