On 31 October 2017 at 14:38, R360 Design INC via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the feedback. Presumably the list of linux commands in
> Termux on Android is a subset of the full list of Linux Bash shell  (i.e.
> Ubuntu or Redhat)

The set of Bash commands should be the full set of commands supported by

The set of additional applications that you can run will, as always, depend on
what additional applications are installed.  You probably don't have GNU
File Utilities installed; it's somewhat more likely that you have some version
of BusyBox installed.

Since Android is (with some circumlocutions involving "Dalvik") a Java-based
environment, it's likely that your Android device will not have too terribly
much in your $PATH, and not vastly much in /bin, /usr/bin, and such.

Termux (and probably some other tools similar to Termux) may offer ways
to install more stuff...

I have a Superbook
somewhere nearing flight, so it's likely I'll be caring about this a
fair bit some time soon, as I'd kinda like to be able to run Emacs in
a Termux environment :-)

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