Christoph Eckert wrote:
> Hi,
>> NOW that areas are ( in some cases ) being rendered and annotated
>> the additional nodes may well be unnecessary.
> not really. When passing a parking lot, I still want to be able to place a 
> node and tag it accordingly, without the need to make it an area. The area 
> may be added later, and then the node should be deleted.

EXACTLY my point - You are working THAT recommendation!
and even with the new 'recommendation' removing the node may not be the right 

Mapnik currently will not render your parking space if you do that?
Osmarender is following a different recommendation.

Asking the RENDERERS to sort out the mess is wrong - even thought it is the 
renderers that have created the problem!

*IF* the current recommendation is as you have written, then both renders need 
to follow it. The recommendation makes sense, but currently it is possibly 
only right for Osmarender :(

We need RULES that are consistent and that everyone follows to produce 
consistent results. At present people are changing the rules as they see fit, 
without ensuring that everyone else is doing the same. Hence we have different 
information being displayed, or duplicate information.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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