On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:34:56 -0000
"Andy Robinson \(blackadder\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Luckily I've never really had any major trouble but my standard response
> >would probably be "Got the internet? Look up www.openstreetmap.org. Is
> >your street on there and named? No? Will it soon will be..."
> >
> +1 to this approach. I often get people looking at me on a Sunday morning
> while they wash their cars and I always make a point of saying "good
> morning" or whatever. If someone does ask a question I do exactly as Nick
> suggests.
> There is no need for OSM data gathering to be a subversive activity. Make a
> statement about it and tell people what you are doing. 

With all due respect, while I agree with the general tenor of this message,
and am completely in favour of an open explanation, and negotiation of
what is acceptable in the public sphere, I am also quite prickly at
protecting what I perceive as *my* right in this regard. In my opinion,
the more one retreats in this regard, the more the forces of fascism^W
anti-terrorism are going to push one.

I am doing nothing wrong, and should *not* have to explain myself to
anyone under duress. I agree that there is a fine line there---one
which is applicable to both sides---but the more that people meet me
with a confrontational approach, the more likely I am to push back.
Fortunately, I am very rarely faced with such an eventuality, but
other, less respectable-looking, people might be.

You speak about the Internet, and openstreetmap.org, but talk about
these with most people in India, and you will be met with a blank
stare. Better hope that you do not look like you belong in the
quote torturable class unquote.


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