How does one go about modifying a tag? I've found there's a
well-defined procedure for creating and refining tags, but it seems
that anyone could just go and arbitrarily redefine a tag, and a tag
would then shift in meaning from the original meaning... do I just
modify it and see if someone reverts it? This seems a little anarchic!

Notably, the rendering for drain looks (albeit with no scale visible)
as I'd like, in that it's a thin blue line.

I've not heard ditches called drains, though they're commonly causes
Dykes round here (as opposed to the female sort). I decided on ditches
as there's already a (misnamed) dyke tag - the author meant dike as it
turns out, though the similarity could be confusing. There's a marked
differnece (in my eyes) between a ditch connected to a river (a drain)
and a ditch connected to another ditch/pumphouse/nothing at all - a
ditch might well be a good 6 feet below water level, and isn't tidal,
and is commonly freshwater, whereas a offshoot of the river round here
would be tidal. I don't know if ditches/drains matters enough to most
people to be worth another tag - boat=yes or not differentiates for
most possible users, and a water way is just a water landmark to most!


2008/9/1 Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Tristan Scott wrote:
>> Maybe modifying and clarifying the scope of the drain tag would do?
> Yes, good idea.
> I'm thinking in particular of the Middle Level and the Witham
> Navigable Drains which drain the surrounding fenlands, a bit like the
> ones you're referring to (though much of the ML and WND would need to
> be augmented with boat=yes). These are generally referred to as
> 'drains', not ditches.
> cheers
> Richard
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