
Yesterday we held the first meeting of the Licensing working group. At the last 
Foundation Board meeting before the holidays, we decided to convene a working 
group to expedite
the final process of moving OSM to the new license. In attendance were
Steve Coast and myself from the Board, Grant Slater from the technical
team, and Jordan Hatcher, the lawyer who has been working on the ODL.

The license is in final stages of drafting. The Foundation has solicited advice 
from the law firm of Wilson Sonsini, to have
another set of eyes on the license. Wilson Sonsini and Jordan Hatcher
are currently in discussion to finish the final draft.

this first version, a community of users and legal experts around the
license will be developed to generate public comment and review, and
work on refinements to the license. As the ODL evolves, OSM will be
able to take on new revisions without the large task of getting
re-licensing permission from our contributors.

So what's next? A
technical team meeting will be held this week to discuss the technical
implementation. Next week we will hold another licensing working group
meeting, where we'll produced the final integrated plan of license and 
technical process, and timeline
for moving to the new license. We'll have another update following next
week's meeting. 

I'm here to answer any questions.


Mikel & the Licensing Working Group
legal-talk mailing list

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