On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 02:42:43PM +0100, "Marc Schütz" wrote:
> > After a recent spate of OSM activity, especially with regards to
> > rendering and so on, I've put together a bookmarklet designed to help
> > visualize changes to OSM data in Mapnik more rapidly.  
> > 
> > http://labs.metacarta.com/osm/up-to-date/
> > 
> > "Using osmosis, osm2pgsql, and Mapnik, a bookmarklet which will draw the
> > 'current' state of the database, delayed by less than 10 minutes. Simply
> > press this button, and an image will be drawn over the map showing the
> > current state of the database."
> > 
> > You simply drag the bookmarklet to your browser bookmarks toolbar, and
> > click it on any OSM map: InformationFreeway, main map, /browse/ pages,
> > etc.
> > 
> > I believe that all the kinks of this particular service have been
> > worked out at this point, though I'm happy to take any feedback or
> > criticism you have. (Please CC me on any important feedback.) 
> Great work!
> However, the rendering rules seem to be different. For example:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.9008&lon=10.89623&zoom=17&layers=B000TFTF
> The street "Klosterstraße" has the additional name "Main-Radweg" of a 
> cycleroute relation of which it is a member.

The osm.xml files are largely the same (I think I'm out of date by a
couple commits, but they're the same other than that). I'm using the
default.style that ships with osm2pgsql, so maybe this is doing
something different than the main site.

The only other possibility that I'm not entirely sure of the likelihood
of is that diff parsing has messed up this relation in some way.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback; I have no immediate suggestions on a
possible reason for this behavior.

Christopher Schmidt

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