... und Baden? Oder noch nicht?

Mike Harris

-----Original Message-----
From: Rotbarsch [mailto:r...@gmx-topmail.de] 
Sent: 29 June 2009 11:22
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk] Hall of Fame - Streets completed

Hi and hello from Germany!

If you know some german, you might understand the joke:

     "Essen ist fertig!" (*)

As Essen just declared to be completed in OSM I introduced a new Wiki Page:


If you know an area which has all its streets in OSM (and this is somehow
documented) feel free to add an entry.

Also feel free to give the page a nicer format :-)

Best Greetings!

Rotbarsch  (Essen, Germany)

(*) As "Essen" means also "meal" in german, this ("Lunch/Dinner is
ready") is what many children hear every day and which disturbs them doing
much more important things than eating...

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