Hi everyone,

A colleague'd been informally mapping disguised cellphone masts and towers.
I suggested that OSM should be able to accommodate her data plus cough up
information about said structures that had already been mapped but, in
fact, it wasn't so. I proposed a new key, mimics, and it's been voted upon
and approved (21 zip, 3 abstentions).


I'd appreciate your help in making the use of this key more widespread.

Two things to do existing masts or towers :
  - tag them with mimics=*.  Initial values are: eucalyptus, oak, palm,
pine, or tree; saguaro or cactus
  - remove tower:construction=concealed. After discussion this use of
tower:construction has been deprecated as these towers & masts are most
definitely not concealed even if the telecom equipment they contain is.

If you are willing to contribute a photo of a cellphone mast or tower
camouflaged as a eucalyptus, oak, saguaro, or cactus, it would be most
welcome as a companion illustration for that Value on the wiki page.

Early solstice greetings to you all.

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