bpk 2x yth,

saya mau tanya...di log.nmbd saya ada tertulis sbb:

[2003/12/10 08:41:51, 0]
  Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name TECHNIC<1b> for the
workgroup TECHNIC.
  Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup.
[2003/12/10 08:56:53, 0]
  Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name TECHNIC<1b> for the
workgroup TECHNIC.

kenapa ya..? padahal saya tidak pernah men-set pc TECHNIC sebagai Domain
Master Browser....

smb.conf saya sbb:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# cat smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from localhost.localdomain (
# Date: 2003/10/03 17:09:08

# Global parameters
        printer = Printer
        printing = cups
        security = share
        null passwords = Yes
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        workgroup = technic
#socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVB = 8192 SO_SNDBUF = 8192
        netbios name = SERVER1
        printcap name = lpstat
        os level = 1
        wins support = true

        comment = home directory
        path = /home/%U
        writable = yes

        path = /home/umum
        writeable = yes
        create mode = 777
        directory mode = 777
        user = administrator,nugroho,luigi,root,taitiong,tri
        valid users = administrator,luigi,nugroho,root,taitiong,tri
        comment = untuk umum
        delete readonly = yes
        guest account = administrator
        public = yes

        path = /home/MYOB
        writeable = yes
        create mode = 777
        directory mode = 777
        user = administrator,nugroho,tri,root,luigi,taitiong
        valid users = administrator,nugroho,tri,root,taitiong,luigi
        comment = MYOB
        public = yes
        guest ok =yes
        guest account = luigi,tri,administrator

        path  = /var/spool/samba
        printer  =
        browsable  = yes
        lprm command = cancel %p-%j
        lpq command = lpstat -o %p
        comment = All Printers
        guest ok = yes
        print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r #using client side
printer drivers
        printable = yes
        create mask = 0700

*** sekalian tanya...kira 2x dari smb.conf diatas saya masih kurang apa
thanks ...


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