Dear All, saya ada pertanyaan lagi nih, setelah nginstall mini distro
kedalam Compact Flash dan sempat booting dari Compact Flash, saya nemu
error. Mohon dibantu. Trims. Ini pertanyaannya:

I have a full running Red Hat 9.0 on my Via Eden computer now (hda1). My CF
is always in hdc1. I plan to instal the last version of ByzantineOS
(20031212) in hdc1. I have booting problem (kernel panic) after
installation. Here are my conditions:
- CF is in ext2 file system, created using Mandrake's fdisk. There is only
one partition (hdc1) in it.
- My dropin.location setting (located inside the inittar.tar.bz2 file) :
    mount_option=" -o ro "
- bootloader is on Mandrake's partition

After installing to CF and boot, first error message was:
"via vga is not supported, try: agp_try_unsupported=1". From mandrake's
bootloader I changed ByzantineOS default setting accordingly then re run the
booting process. The vga error dissapeared and booting process continue a
bit further until it stopped. The messages on the list was:

Partition check:
    /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: P1 P2 P3
    /dev/ide/host1/bus0/target0/lun0: P1
NET4: LinuxTCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP: Routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4kbytes
Net 4: Unix domain socket I.O/SMP for linux NET4.0
VFS: Mounted root (tmfs filesystem)
INITTAR: bzip2 Compressed Image Found
NITTAR: Not a tar image
INITTAR: falling back to normal initrd
RAMDISK: bzip2 compressed image found at block 0
0>kernel panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00


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