On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 08:15:46 +0700
 Bonny Hardi Putra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
itu mas.. di suruh pake rpm aja katanya.. :D
udah nurut aja.. ;)

checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
configure: WARNING: === I think you are trying to run this configure script
configure: WARNING: === on Red Hat/Fedora. You're doing too much work!
configure: WARNING: === It's much faster to create installable binary RPMs
configure: WARNING: === like this: http://www.courier-mta.org/FAQ.html#rpm
configure: WARNING: === When you do this you may find that RPM will tell you
configure: WARNING: === to install some other software first, before trying

opsi itu utnuk courier versi tinggi tinggal tambahain aja with-redhat
atau coba baca di install.txt nya atau README ada koq me pernah ky gitu dan berhasil
Netkuis Instan untuk wilayah Bandung (kode area 022) - SD,SMP,SMA berhadiah total puluhan juta rupiah... periode I dimulai 1 April 2004

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