On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 22:11:32 +0100, John Orford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just joined.  I'm from Ireland but will be visiting Jakarta / Java / Bali
> (and probably more) from next week for a month.

Hello John, well before you get here I'd like to say: WELCOME TO INDONESIA!

> I have been given the task to breath life back into my Girlfriend's family's
> home and office computers.  They use Windows 98 and sound very old.

I don't think I understand your question here (my english's bad...very
bad!), but I think you just want to say that you wanna change your
Girlfriend's O/S, am I right with that?
> Anyway, I would appreciate if anyone could give me tips about good internet
> cafes where I could download extra packages etc. that may be necessary, and
> also Bahasa Indonesia friendly distributions.  Plus, your opinions on easy to
> use software that will run on old hardware would be very helpful.

I think I can't help you with this! but as long as I know, there's so
much Internet cafe (we called it WARNET) in Depok, near the Gunadarma
University! btw what do you mean by "extra packages"? about the Bahasa
Indonesia distribution, (I guess we're talking about GNU/Linux Distro
here, right?) AFAIK there 's a distro that use bahasa indonesia as the
default language called "BlankOn Linux", it's based on FedoraCore, but
I think it would be too "heavy" for your Girlfriend's computer! why
don't you use "Ubuntu Linux" anyway? you can contact me as soon as you
come to jakarta if you want the (Ubuntu) CD's !

> Thanks a lot!
> John.

You're Welcome John.

> P.S.  linux.or.id looks great - our Irish LUG could learn a fair bit from you
> guys.

That's too much! "We" should gives you a lot of Thanks for that, and
I'm sorry for my English!

p/s: buat yang laen; koq ga ada yang mo bales sih? tunjukkan dong
keramah-tamahan orang Indonesia!!!

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