> Wah makasih banyak pak.
> tambah ilmu baru.. :-)
> Salam,
> Dani

--- hehehe.. tambahan, berhubung dengan ezmlm linux.or.id


4.21 How threading works.

A ezmlm thread is just a message number-ordered set of messages with
identical ``normalized'' subject entries. This is a very reliable method
for threading messages. It does not rely on any variably present
``In-Reply-To:'' or ``References:'' headers. If the subject changes, the
continuation becomes a separate thread very close to the original thread
in a digest. ezmlm uses this mechanism to return message sets threaded and
with a thread and author index, unless specifically told not to do so with
the ``n'' format specifier. Naturally, lists set up without a message
index (using the ezmlm-make ``-I'' switch) do not maintain thread

kalau di lihat dari header, contoh :

References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

jadi biarpun ganti subject, karena index nya merujuk ke 29229 diatas maka
tetap ketauan kalau seseorang sudah membajak thread ;) bahasa keren nya
thread hijack ya om ron ? gituu deeeeee maaf kalau salah -_-


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