gini yah, aku ada server yang make squid buat koneksi ke internet
kira2 3 bulan jalan dengan baik.
suatu ketika server abis di shutdown, begitu di nyalakan squidnya mendadak
error :D, jadi client gak bisa lagi make proxy.

ini hasil top :

 15:34:47  up 13 days,  4:38,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
107 processes: 104 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:   0.0% user   0.5% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait  99.0% idle
CPU1 states: 100.0% user   0.0% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
Mem:  2064480k av, 1046868k used, 1017612k free,       0k shrd,  194716k buff
                    604668k actv,  116476k in_d,    6944k in_c
Swap: 2040244k av,       0k used, 2040244k free                  350416k

 1935 squid     25   0 11332  11M  1316 R    99.7  0.5 18975m   1 squid
 2182 root      15   0  6096 6092  5060 S     0.3  0.2  75:37   0 magicdev

setelah saya check di cache.log nya muncul begini :

2005/08/14 01:45:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE2 for
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Process ID 2068
2005/08/14 01:45:33| With 1024 file descriptors available
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Performing DNS Tests...
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2005/08/14 01:45:33| DNS Socket created at, port 32781, FD 4
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Adding nameserver 202.XX.XX.XX from squid.conf
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 9
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Swap maxSize 512000 KB, estimated 39384 objects
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Target number of buckets: 1969
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Using 8192 Store buckets
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Max Mem  size: 32768 KB
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Max Swap size: 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Store logging disabled
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Rebuilding storage in /usr/local/squid/var/logs/cache
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Using Least Load store dir selection
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/var/logs/cache
2005/08/14 01:45:33| Loaded Icons.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 8080, FD 10.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 11.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 12.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 13.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| WCCP Disabled.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Ready to serve requests.
2005/08/14 01:45:34| Store rebuilding is  2.9% complete
2005/08/14 01:45:35| WARNING: newer swaplog entry for dirno 0, fileno
2005/08/14 01:45:35| WARNING: newer swaplog entry for dirno 0, fileno
2005/08/14 01:45:35| WARNING: newer swaplog entry for dirno 0, fileno
2005/08/14 01:45:35| WARNING: newer swaplog entry for dirno 0, fileno
2005/08/14 01:45:35| WARNING: newer swaplog entry for dirno 0, fileno
........dan seterusnya sampai baris dibawah ini :
2005/08/14 01:45:35| Done reading /usr/local/squid/var/logs/cache swaplog
(139922 entries)
2005/08/14 01:45:35| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|     88826 Entries scanned
2005/08/14 01:45:35|         0 Invalid entries.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|         0 With invalid flags.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|     65787 Objects loaded.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|         0 Objects expired.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|      2682 Objects cancelled.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|      3481 Duplicate URLs purged.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|     20355 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2005/08/14 01:45:35|   Took 2.1 seconds (31200.1 objects/sec).
2005/08/14 01:45:35| Beginning Validation Procedure
2005/08/14 01:45:35|   Completed Validation Procedure
2005/08/14 01:45:35|   Validated 62307 Entries
2005/08/14 01:45:35|   store_swap_size = 710224k
2005/08/14 01:45:36| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 709464 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:45:37| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2005/08/14 01:45:47| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 703260 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:45:58| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 696404 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:46:09| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 689412 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:46:11| squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Queue congestion
2005/08/14 01:46:21| squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Disk I/O overloading
2005/08/14 01:46:21| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 675668 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:46:32| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 668292 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:46:37| squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Disk I/O overloading
2005/08/14 01:46:37| squidaio_queue_request: Queue Length: current=1304,
high=1304, low=81, duration=22
2005/08/14 01:46:43| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 662608 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:46:52| squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Disk I/O overloading
2005/08/14 01:46:52| squidaio_queue_request: Queue Length: current=2264,
high=2264, low=81, duration=37
2005/08/14 01:46:55| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 653196 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:47:06| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 646364 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:47:07| squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Disk I/O overloading
2005/08/14 01:47:07| squidaio_queue_request: Queue Length: current=3224,
high=3224, low=81, duration=52
2005/08/14 01:47:17| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 641500 KB > 512000 KB
2005/08/14 01:47:20| squidaio_queue_request: Async request queue growing
2005/08/14 01:47:20| squidaio_queue_request: Syncing pending I/O
operations.. (blocking)

kira2 apa yang perlu aku rubah yah di squid.conf nya?
mohon saran nya


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