teguh wrote:

Assallammualaikum BaCy,
Tuesday, May 09, 2006, 1:29:07 PM, you wrote:

iya Pak, Betul sekarang sudah oke, ada lagi nih pak yang saya mau
tanyakan saya dapat error ini ketika akan coba instalasi Time::Hires
sbb :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/Time-HiRes-1.59]>LC_ALL="C"; perl Makefile.PL
Configuring Time::HiRes...
Looking for gettimeofday()... found.
Looking for setitimer()... found.
Looking for getitimer()... found.
You have interval timers (both setitimer and setitimer).
Looking for ualarm()... NOT found.
But you have setitimer().
We can make a Time::HiRes::ualarm().
Looking for usleep()... found.
Looking for nanosleep()... found.
You can mix subsecond sleeps with signals.
Writing Makefile for Time::HiRes
Now you may issue 'make'. Do not forget also 'make test'.

NOTE: if you get an error like this (the line number may vary):
Makefile:91: *** missing separator
then set the environment variable LC_ALL to "C" and retry
from scratch (re-run perl "Makefile.PL").

Walaupun variable LC_ALL sudah saya nganti dengan "C" tetap tiada
pengaruhnya Pak, atau mungkin diantara rekan2 ada juga yang pernah
mengalami mohon bantuan untuk solvenya,

Terima Kasih,

Coba anda langsung install dari shell CPAN-nya. Saya biasa langsung install dari shell CPAN dan kalau ada depedency dia langsung download dan install sendiri.

perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan>instal Time::HiRes

Semoga bisa membantu


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