On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 10:21, Wirjawan Ir. YB1LL wrote:
> Yanu Widodo wrote:
> >and saya udah coba command 
> >
> >#ipx_configure --auto_interface=on --auto_primary=on
> >
> >tapi kok ngak ada response-ya ...
> >cara akses server netware tadi gimana ya, misalnya nama servernya
> >"ntwr_server" ...
> >
> >
> >mohon pencerahannya,
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >salam,
> >yanu
> >
> ya memang setelah command ipx ..... anda harus tunggu beberapa detik 
> dulu, sesudah itu baru diberi command ncpmount ...... silahkan baca man 
> ncpmount.
> Salam
> Wirjawan

thanks Mas Wirjawan :)
he3x ...

saya udah coba2 tapi blm berhasil :)
dan saya sudah nyoba manual, tapi sepertinya saya perlu satu contoh
saja. bersediakan mas wirjawan memberikan satu contoh tersebut ?

misalnya nama server = serverku
share folder = data
username = supervisor

atas bantuannya terima kasih :)

# ncpmount -h
usage: ncpmount [options] mount-point
-S server      Server name to be used
-A dns_name    DNS server name to be used when mounting over TCP or UDP
-U username    Username sent to server
-V volume      Volume to mount, for NFS re-export
-u uid         uid the mounted files get
-g gid         gid the mounted files get
-f mode        permission the files get (octal notation)
-d mode        permission the dirs get (octal notation)
-c uid         uid to identify the connection to mount on
               Only makes sense for root
-t time_out    Waiting time (in 1/100s) to wait for
               an answer from the server. Default: 60
-r retry_count Number of retry attempts. Default: 5
-C             Don't convert password to uppercase
-P password    Use this password
-n             Do not use any password
               If neither -P nor -n are given, you are
               asked for a password.
-s             Enable renaming/deletion of read-only files
-h             print this help text
-v             print ncpfs version number
-b             Force bindery login to NDS servers
-i level       Signature level, 0=never, 1=supported, 2=preferred,
-m             Allow multiple logins to server
-N os2,nfs     Do not use specified namespaces on mounted volume
-y charset     character set used for input and display
-p codepage    codepage used on volume, including letters `cp'


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