Saya sendiri belum pernah copy file besar sebanyak itu tapi copy iso
DVD  2.5 GB pernah. Memang ntfs-3g belum production quality tidak
untuk mount partisi berisi data penting dan terlalu riskan menjalankan
move ke partisi ntfs-3g.

Why is writing large files sometimes very slow?
The block allocator and the related metadata updating algorithms are
not efficient for large files on very fragmented volumes.
Workaround: Try to defragment NTFS, it may help.
Status: Priority work.
Why do I get an "Operation not supported" message when creating a file?
This is a controlled refusal of file creation which may happen in a
very rare case when the Master File Table is very fragmented and it
needs to be extended in a way which is not implemented yet.
Workaround: Delete some files, then you can create new ones.
Status: High priority work.

On 12/13/06, A r j u n a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 13 December 2006 17:11, - Cygnus - wrote:
> Agi Subagio wrote:
> > AFAIK.
> > write di ntfs masih belum stabil, mending read-only aja dulu.
> > takutnya kalau ngewrite ke ntfs dari linux, malah ngerusak data
> > didalamnya.
> > CMIIW.
> Nggak juga kok, saya pakai ntfs-3g di edgy so far nggak ada masalah
> read/write error.

kemaren baru nyoba ntfs-3g
rada bermasalah waktu mo ngopi file yang cukup besar
dalam 1 folder cuma bisa nulis 2 file ukuran 350MB

padahal source aslinya ada 11 files 350MB
akhirnya dicoba bikin 1 folder lagi, kopi sisanya ke folder yang baru

cuma muat 2 file lagi.

Nyerah, hd dipindahin ke pc windows
pas diliat di windows, folder yang ada cuma 1
yang satu lagi nggak adaa bekasnya

pake hd ide, dicolok via usb

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Just like everybody else does

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