2008/10/8 Hendryk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> berikut error messagenya yang lebih lengkap :
> md: Autodetecting RAID arrays
> md: Scanned 0 and added 0 devices.
> md: autorun ...
> md: ... autorun DONE.
> RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
> RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 32768) 16777216
> crc error
> VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(8,2)
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available
> partitions:
> 0300 40146624 hda driver: ide-disk
>  0301 39150373 hda1
>  0302   996030 hda2
> 1600 675752 hdc-driver: ide-cdrom
> Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
> unknown-block(8,2)
> disini kita bisa liat ada sesuatu yang aneh dengan RAMDISK nya, apa dia gak
> bisa mount root ke RAMDISK untuk instalasinya ya?
> saya rencana mau coba ganti RAM ... thx buat semuanya atas replynya
> salam

mo nambahin...
sebelom ganti RAM yg sebelome dipake windows lancar
coba di BIOS di set failsafe dulu aja...


bayu - mandriva - other Linux at http://bayuart.wordpress.com

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