2009/7/20 Donny Kurnia <donnykur...@gmail.com>:
> Asri Rachman wrote:
>> 2009/7/20, Donny Kurnia <donnykur...@gmail.com>:
>>> X wrote:
>>>> mo nanya nih, bisa gak seorang admin server/jaringan mendeteksi user
>>>> menggunakan windows atau sisitim operasi lainnya?? kalau bisa pake
>>>> sofwate apaan ya??.
>>>> thanks sebelumnya
>>> man nmap
>>> ...
>>>        nmap -sS -O scanme.nmap.org/24
>>>        Launches a stealth SYN scan against each machine that is up out
>>> of the 255 machines on “class C” network where Scanme resides. It also
>>> tries to determine what operating
>>>        system is running on each host that is up and running. This
>>> requires root privileges because of the SYN scan and OS detection.
>>> ...
>>> --
>>> Donny Kurnia
>>> http://blog.abifathir.com
>>> http://hantulab.blogspot.com
>>> http://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia
>> Sedikit oot, apakah server target scan bisa mengakali hasil nmap ?
>> Coba scan pake nmap situs microsoft, apa hasil scan deteksi os nya ?
> Pasti sangat bisa sekali. Kalau ingin yakin 100%, ya datangi komputernya,
> lihat apa OSnya :)
> Tentang OS yang digunakan oleh situs microsoft, sudah pernah dibahas di
> thread lain ;)
> --
> Donny Kurnia
> http://blog.abifathir.com
> http://hantulab.blogspot.com
> http://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia
> --

ok thanks alot mas donny sudah menuntun saya, di repo ubuntu saya
search nmap, muncul beberapa pilihan, terus saya installin semua deh
untuk belajar, saya tertarik sama umit :

Scan the hosts in your network discovering open ports and the services and
operating systems that they are running.

With umit, you have all the power provided by nmap through its regular
command line interface, and a lot more, in a highly usable and portable
graphical interface.

M. Olan Wardiansyah (olanuxer)
Linux User #468082, Ubuntu User  #23039
ICT Kab. Bima
smkn 1 bima
Jalan jenderal sudirman soro lambu bima (NTB)
HP : 085239540925
Blog : http://ilalangmbojo.blogspot.com

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