On Sat 28-May-05 6:13am -0500, Mary Bull wrote:

> On Friday, May 27, 2005, 8:01 PM, you wrote:
>>> Dear Ritlabs, please put it back up.
>> I failed to add that I still plan to test the latest
>> beta, but I simply want a solid version that actually
>> works for access during the business day.
> I have the zipped file of version on my Hard Drive. (It's
> my favorite, although I am staying with the beta series because of my
> interest in helping with it.)
> I could try to send it to you by PM as an attachment, if you like.

Thanks for the kind offer, Mary.  Another user, Tim
Casten, has already send along a compressed copy.  I
plan to use it during office hours and am using it
whenever I want to set a watch.

Best regards,

The Wounded Bat 3.5.21 Pro  BayesIt! 0.8.1  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  POP3

 Current beta is 3.5.21 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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