Hello Peter
On Wednesday, August 8, 2007 you wrote:

> Hi Marek,

MM>> You should stop testing betas, if You have
MM>> problem, they are buggy... I can
MM>> understand, You will write about major
MM>> problems, but rogues?

> As long as they are offered AND don't work properly,
> they are, IMHO, a
> considerable problem. Not necessarily a major
> problem, but, well,
> considerable. :-)

For the first time I had to go back a version as 10 was so buggy as to
be unusable. I do not say that lightly. From .10 to .11 was a short
cycle but most are considerably longer. Should we in effect go without
mail? I don't think so  :)

The Bat Version 3.99.11 (BETA)

 Current beta is 3.99.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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