Hello Steve Lamb,
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 08:31:27 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Monday, December 27, 1999, 11:31:27 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Steve Lamb wrote:
Steve> Monday, December 27, 1999, 4:38:35 AM, Ali wrote:
>> stable than before and this is most likely because the machines today
>> come with at least 32MB of memory. In fact 64MB seems to be the
>> standard. On top of that win98 is inherently more stable than it's
>> predecessors.
Steve> Ever wonder why the prebuilts put so little RAM in their computers?
Steve> Because when the computers hit swap, they slow down. The normal end consumer
Steve> sees the machine slow and pulls out the tired car analogy. "Well, if the CPU
Steve> is the engine, if I want to go faster I need to get a faster engine. I need a
Steve> faster CPU!" At which time they dutifully trade in their PII-300 w/24Mb RAM
Steve> (I've seen it!) for a spiffy new PIII-600 with..... 32Mb RAM! In about a year
Steve> they repeat the process.
Not the ONLY reason, they also compete on price and if its cheaper
with a bit less ram most consumers go for the cheapest.
Same with having that silly onboard video using system ram.
As computers where I live die quick anyway we tend to let people bring
their box in and we show them what it does by adding ram. Free of
charge... Almost nobody wants us to remove it again...
Take a nice old 486 and add a lot of ram and see it fly...
My kids run a P75 with 64 mb and windows 95, runs as fast as many
p133's or faster.
Steve> Personally my work and home workstations both have 128Mb of RAM. Swap?
Steve> What's that? One is NT, one is 98. My Linux server has 64Mb in it and it
Steve> only touches swap every once and a while.
Mine run 256 and you need it for some things.
If you run heavy duty gaming or graphic work, start at 256 mb...
In my own case the main reason I had a lot of ram was internet, to
make use of the lousy and expensive capcity I had, I went for enough
ram to be able to run double/tripple ftps up and down, have a news
reader running and my mail and if required a mpeg movie for my son.
My modem was normally running flat out as I just kept adding tasks
till it was optimum. I cannot do that anymore as my current isp is
cutting us off very often so I would use the lot but before that it
sure worked.
Steve> Want to know a secret?
Steve> My Linux box could take up to 128Mb and its MB is years old. It has a
Steve> P5-100 in it that I bought before the PIIs came out. My workstation, a
Steve> Celeron-400a, has a MB that can accommodate 768Mb.
Steve> The single cheapest and easiest way to speed up a machine is to put more
Steve> RAM into it. MBs these days can take up .7-1Gb of RAM. So why is 32Mb-64Mb
Steve> "standard"? ;)
Mainly price as it was very difficult to sell extra ram at prices it
was a few years ago. Enough ram could double the pc price.
MY machine had a lot more ram since years, it runs so much
98 needs about 64 MINIMUM to run and from what I heard about windows
2000 it needs at least 256. Also in my experience, the faster the machine
the more ram you need to get rid of that hard disk bottle neck Steve
>> To minimize fragmenting in the system partition, in my last win98 days, I
>> had moved all temp files and confined V Swapping to one partition and then
>> defragged that partition regularly. This and 64MB of RAM at the time reduced
>> crashes to a bearable minimum. :)
I had a small scsi drive (one of those fast ones) just for swapping...
Steve> Try 128Mb and no swapping. I have crashed from other areas, but that is
Steve> most likely from my sound card being an original AWE-32 with two 256kb SIMMs
Steve> that I bought new just for that card. ;)
you couldnt get the proper ram?? (g)
I just spend most of the day trying to figure out why my celeron 300A
running at 450 was running slower and slower..
Lucky the hardware cooperated and the half dead ram chip died.
believe me, my 98 was a snail with just 32 mb instead of its 256 mb.
I just hope that was all as I donot want to buy new ram, too
Anyway as Steve says, you want more speed, add ram, its the cheapest
way to upgrade in many ways, depending obviously on the age of the
system... I wouldnt go off and buy simms!!
Best regards,
Using theBAT 1.38e
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