RO> Hello Ravindra,

RO> No. That can't be done, but unless you've got lots of accounts
RO> that shouldn't be too complicated.

Ok, I did have several accounts and lots of rules, but I just spent
half the night setting them up again. :)

RO> You started what's essentially a new thread by replying to another
RO> message. That means it shows up as listed in another thread.

I see. I ignorantly thought that by changing the subject line, I'd
start a new thread - but now I understand that the threads are
determined by code in the message header. Cool ...

RO> Since
RO> people sometimes skip messages in threads they don't consider
RO> interesting (for lack of time), they might skip your message too,
RO> since they're not aware of the newly started thread. So next time
RO> you'd do yourself a favor by sending a new message in stead of a
RO> reply, because you're reaching a larger audience and one of those
RO> might have the answer you've been waiting for.

Thanks for the tip Roelof. I'll definitely remember that in the

I've been using TB for only half a night, and I can already see that
I'll keep using it for a long time.

Best wishes,

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