
> >> Please, if you can, try to convince RITLabs people to make 
> it a global
> >> option. Just a while ago I received and HTML e-mail with 
> some 20 GIFs.
> >> It would be quite upsetting to have to answer NO 20 times.
> > I agree, having to click NO 20 times can become very frustrating!
> True, and that won't be the case.
> > I think maybe you click click yes
> Aha - there's the rub. It is a *bad* idea to only click "yes" once.
> Like I said elsewhere, just because last time you received this
> newsletter it didn't have a spy-click in it, that doesn't make it safe
> every time.

To be honest, I'm happy with the way it is now and was just adding a
suggestion, but as you say, there are flaws! What I like about it now is
that you see the HTML message but have the crosses instead of the images and
they're the same size as what would be the images so you don't lose the
origal formatting that the sender wanted you to see. Also, you have the link
to click on the HTML to open the page if you want to. It's then the users

Sorry for being ignorant, but why is or does this current set-up need to be


> > or no just the once and then it does all the remaing pictures for
> > the mail. The reason I say that, is why would you want to downlaod
> > just selected images? How do you know what shows what etc.
> You can often tell from the URL whether it is relevant or devious.
> Having said that, it may be the RITlabs will bow to pressure and have
> a 'Yes, Yes (all), No, No (all)' dialog box. I still think that a 'Yes
> (all)' option exposes naive users to hidden dangers.
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