Hi all,

To Gerd:
that was excactly what I was looking for.
Thank you very, very much.

To all the others who helped me, thanks a lot for your time and
effort, its greatly appreciated.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003, 2:15:16 PM, you wrote:

GE> Hello Vanessa Montagne !

GE> On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 13:44:30 +0100 GMT your local time,
GE> which was 29.01.2003, 13:44 (GMT+0100) where I live, you (Vanessa Montagne)

>> it isn't for quoting, it is to collect these email addresses into an
>> AdressBook of The Bat, and then i can export this address book and
>> copy the addresses into my Mailer(Mojo Mail) to remove the
>> wrong/expired/... email adresses.

>> How to use such a macro combination ??

GE> Well, I think there is no macro that saves text or parts of text to
GE> your disk except a filter that is able to append text to a textfile.

GE> So how to do it: in your filter there is a possibility to save the
GE> mail to a file. Go to incoming filter, tab Actions, Export message to
GE> file, Format Text. There you define the filename and the path to save it.
GE> Just to the right you find the chance to define the template which is
GE> used to save the mail. Replace this with

GE> %REGEXPTEXT="<(.*?@.*?)>:"

GE> I would suggest to check the box "append to existing file" and your
GE> addresses will be collected in that file.

GE> Is it that what you wanted? ;-)

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